EOTAS - Bespoke Support

This includes:

  • 1:1 tuition through a personalised individual home or community learning programme with clear weekly academic targets and reports.

  • Intensive support to tackle the factors that contribute to a young person’s behaviour focused on diversion away from negative activity and emotional support.

  • Counselling and a timetable which is designed to focus on attendance, engagement and achievement.

  • A programme delivered in partnership with schools, colleges or other providers.

  • One-to-One support in the classroom or off-site support within the community.

  • Support for parents/carers to engage in their child’s education to raise confidence, aspirations and self-esteem.

  • Same day targeted approach to attendance, safeguarding and addressing issues at home.

  • Intensive tuition specifically in preparation for exams.

  • Close liaison with all agencies working with a young person.

  • A direct challenge to non-attendance, punctuality issues and behavioural concerns.

High & Complex Needs Support

  • Extra support for children with high-level needs.

  • Work in partnership with local authority SEND Departments, Inclusions Teams, Social Care, and schools to support children and young people with complex needs/PMLD), neurodiversity and SEMH.

  • Support for young people who have often struggled in other provisions and require a bespoke, sometimes two to one service which is tailored to meet EHCP targets.

  • Work as part of the network.

  • A catalyst for change working with parents to help them secure a timetable which includes the services their child requires.

  • A wraparound holistic provision- we work very much as part of a network.

This includes: