Something bothering you...?

At Educatch we have policies that we share with everyone to make sure that everyone is safe.

Here is our safeguarding policy:

Safeguarding Policy Statement

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

If you need to talk to someone our Education Advisers are trained in child protection every year, they know how to listen and are always happy to.

If you are looking for advice or help about:

  • Misuse of drugs visit Talk to Frank

  • Misuse of alcohol visit Drink Aware

  • Sexual health and pregnancy visit Brook

  • Childline offers a contact number 24 hours a day every day for a wide range of issues for anyone under 18.  Call 0800 1111

  • If a child or young person is being intentionally harmed by an adult or another child visit NSPCC

  • For Careers Support visit National Career Service 

  • Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community especially for young people.

If you would like to talk to us about anything that is bothering you do not hesitate - the team are always here to help.